Local Facilities
Each Canadian Boilermaker local operates a state-of-the-art training facility that teaches the latest skills and techniques for doing all kinds of Boilermaker work. Boilermaker trainers, who have the necessary trade tickets, academic training, and work experience to meet the training needs of local union members, staff all of these facilities.
Training needs constantly change, as new technology and new techniques are adopted in our industry. Our programs are designed to meet the requirements of both plant owners and contractors. Training programs centre on career-long skills upgrading and updating. They offer courses in safety, welding, rigging, supervision, job steward, and essential skills.
Boilermaker Virtual CampusTM
National Training takes its mandate several steps further with unique learning tools, including the Boilermaker Virtual Campus™. The new campus opened April 25, 2022. Our virtual campus allows members to supplement the courses they take at our training facilities with online learning that’s available anywhere and anytime. The Boilermaker Virtual Campus™ is a progressive tool that lets the Boilermakers design training courses and programs that reflect best and current practices in our industry.
Boilermaker Safety Courses will now be found on the Boilermaker Virtual Campus – Respirator Theory and WHMIS 2015.
Log into the Members Only section of the boilermaker.ca website and go to the Boilermaker Virtual Campus tab to check it all out.
Boilermaker Virtual CampusTM Content
Courses, videos, articles, and resources
- #6207: A Study in Steel
- Blueprint Interpretation Lesson 1: Drawings and line construction
- Boilermakers’ Dollar $ense® Course – financial literacy program
- BVC Orientation
- Carbon Capture: Bridge to a Cleaner Future
- Credibility is the Key to Success
- Fossil Fuel Power boiler
- Hydraulic Torque and Tensioning (video/animation)
- Indigenous Cultures
- Job Steward Source Book
- John Hart Dam (BC)
- Labour News Articles
- Learning to Learn: Tools for success during study
- Learning to Learn: Tools for success during study – In French
- Power: from coal to atoms
- Respirator Theory
- The Gateway Arch Builders Video
- Victoria Shipyards
- WHMIS 2015
Study Guide
Developed jointly by Boilermakers National Training and the Construction Sector Council, the “Learning to Learn” study guide helps members in the classroom portion of their training. It’s also useful to members who may be considering a skills-upgrade program or achieving another trade ticket. Members can access the study guide through the Boilermaker Virtual Campus™ in the members’ section of this website.
Safety Training
Health and safety training protects Boilermakers through increased hazard awareness and knowledge of workplace rights. Apprentices take health and safety training as part of their in-school curriculum. Individual locals also provide a range of health and safety courses to keep members up to date with changing legislation, safety procedures, new products and changing technologies. These courses are designed to give Boilermakers a core foundation in relevant health and safety topics such as working in confined space, hazardous materials (WHMIS), the Construction Safety Training System (CSTS), respirator fit testing, fall protection, workplace responsibilities, and rights under applicable safety and health laws.
Boilermakers can contact their local lodge with any questions on available health and safety training courses.
Stewards’ Training
Union stewards are the men and women who represent the union in the shop and the field. These are the front line people whose main focus is to assist employers and members with the collective agreement. The work of a job steward is critical to a smoothly running shop or field construction site.
Training is the key for the steward. Training for Boilermaker job stewards focuses on people skills, interpretation of the collective agreements, grievance procedure, jurisdiction, duty of fair representation, knowledge of the lodge bylaws and the international constitution.
It is the desire of the local union to keep all shop and field jobs running smoothly so that our employers can bid on work and know they can count on the Boilermakers to help them bring the job in on time and on budget. A well trained job steward and a crew that respects the job steward’s judgment and commitment is a winning combination.
Supervisor Training
The ability of the Boilermaker supervisor to communicate and coordinate the movement of people, tools, equipment, and materials is key to a successful job. Boilermakers’ National Training provides two levels of supervisor training: one for the front-line supervisor and another for superintendents and project managers.
Field Supervisor Leadership
The objective of the Field Supervisor Leadership Program is to provide training for front-line supervision in areas such as the responsibilities of a supervisor, enhancing leadership skills and understanding the business aspects of Boilermaker construction. This is a fast-paced course that encourages discussions with real life on the job experiences as well as participation in structured classroom activities. This two-day program enhances the performance of our field supervisors, enabling the Union and Contractors to jointly provide a higher level of productivity on our jobs.
Boilermaker Project Manager
The Project Management Program is the next level of supervisor training for the experienced foreman or supervisor. It is an intensive six-day course that trains Boilermakers to manage projects, make decisions that positively impact project goals, and provide an overall benefit to the Union, Contractors and Owners. Designed by experts that have experience with multi-million dollar projects, the Project Management Program’s objective is to elevate the Boilermaker’s leadership and management skills as well as the Boilermaker reputation in industry. Upon completion, the students will have developed and enhanced their skills in planning and directing a project safely.
Instructor Training
Opportunities exist for Boilermakers interested in using their knowledge and skills to train young people as Boilermakers, welders and steel fabricators.
Instructors are needed to teach all aspects of these demanding trades. Generally, the first requirement is to have completed an apprenticeship program and to have worked in the trade for five years or more. Professional-development courses in public speaking, coaching, and teaching adult learners can also be part of diploma and degree programs.
People hired as instructors demonstrate a desire to pass on their knowledge, a keen sense of what is needed to improve apprenticeship training programs, an ability to work cooperatively with other people and skills in understanding what it takes to motivate people to do their best.
At least once a year, Training Coordinators and the National Training Coordinator meet to discuss issues and share resources. National Training plans training events that update the coordinators and staff of each local union, keeping them current with changing technologies and training trends in industry.